Always curious about the local cuisine, we thought it would be fun to have a cooking class for the kids & adults ~ it turned out to be a very fun way to make lunch for the day. Gourmet Clique sent in a terrific team to show us how they like to make tapas and Paella.
All of our kids dawned striped aprons, and the chef set them up at stations with cutting boards and knives. They went right to work chopping, slicing and divining to prepare our lunch.
I was thrilled to learn this menu of quick tapas I can make when I serve Paella at home. Especially because I can make them on my Paella pan {also called a paella or pallera}. You could make this line-up in a large skillet with ease.
Here are the tapas recipes from Gourmet Clique {with a few additions from moi}:
Dates with Bacon
Roll the dates in bacon and secure with a toothpick.
Cook in a frying pan with a little bit of olive oil until the bacon is browned and slightly crispy.
I call things wrapped in bacon “rumaki” {so named by Vic Bergeron, creator of Trader Vic’s restaurants}, to read some of my favorite versions click on Parisian {prunes and Spanish olives}, and Duck and Jalapeno.
Pork Skewers marinated in lemon, garlic and rosemary
Cut the pork into cubes {I believe the cut of meat they used was a boneless rib}. Marinate the pork in lemon, garlic and some rosemary {about ½ hour}.
Add the pork cubes on a skewer {lengthwise}
and cook them on the grill or in a pan.
Prawns with tequila and orange juice
Peel the prawns.
Put some olive oil and garlic in a frying pan. When the oil is hot, put the prawns in the pan and then add a splash of tequila, and then juice of an orange. Use chopped parsley for garnish.
Mushrooms with garlic
Cut garlic cloves in some pieces. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into pieces. Put some oil in a pan and when the oils is hot put the mushrooms and garlic in the pan.
Aside the tapas, we were served green olives and an aioli made with milk instead of egg yolks.
Next post: our position on Spanish Paella.

is dinner at 7:00 tonight? yummmmie..xx