Splendid Rosé
After dinner at Le Tilleul, one can visit the their gelato window, Les Gourmandises du Tilleul, for something cool and creamy. Les Gourmandises du Tilleul also offers take out meals, snacks and afternoon tea during the day.
Or, stock up on wine for tomorrow’s picnic at the wine shop La PetiteVigne, next door to the restaurant.
La Petite Vigne has recently opened in this space, and is well stocked with crisp rosé wines, a cool rosé makes a splendid picnic wine. The selection of French rosé wines in the stores in the US has increased over the years, merci beaucoup. Whole Foods usually offers a great, well priced selection during the summer months. For a light, crisp, refreshing rosé, I look at the color of the wine. Usually, the lighter, coral colored wines are drier and crisper. The deeper red rosés tend to be sweeter and heavier. Rosé wines should be served very cold.
They also had these interesting pellets of salt which are supposed to be the perfect amount for flavoring a boiling pot of pasta,
but I digress.
Onto the vino, wine, vine, vigne..
La PetiteVigne is actually built around an ancient grape vine. This vine has been growing through this wall for years and it is a protected element of this town. Whoever is operating this shop must care for the vine.
From the looks of the covering of leaves above the door and the infant bunches of grapes, I think La Petite Vigne is handling their responsibility well.
To read about when I first fell for French rosés click on Who Decides which Wine is Divine.

charming … if it weren't 7:30 in the morning i would pour a glass of rose'… maybe this evening!
hope this finds you well… xx