Have you been enjoying the summer so far? In Seattle they are forecasting record breaking temperatures up to 112 degrees! To help you keep your cool I’m sharing some images of the cool blue icebergs I recently ogled on a splendid trip to SE Alaska.

These beautiful chunks of art welcomed us as be entered La Conte Bay. This clear blue beauty is the intricately melted core of what was a much larger berg.

It may have looked something more like this a few months {years?} ago.

Here are more of my favorite bergs in the La Conte Bay near Petersburg, Alaska.

These icebergs come from the grande La Conte Glacier, the southern most tidewater glacier of the Northern Hemisphere.

This craggy blue beauty is about a mile wide and stretches back across the mountains into the Stikine ice field about 21 miles.

The face or ablation zone, the lower altitude area, is called the “calving” face. This is where the giant chunks of ice fall off into the water. When you’re near the face you can hear cracking sounds as the ice is breaking up internally and when a piece falls the of the large crash echos around the bay, followed by giant waves.

To get a different perspective we hopped off the boat and followed the granite ribbon paths that ran through the smooth mountain face.

Pieces that break off are called growlers or bergy bits. In late May through early June these chunks are dotted with hundreds of harbor seals, the seals congregate here to birth and rear their pups.

Eagles circle over head looking for an opportunity to snatch new born pups.

Everyday on this trip I found myself in awe of the beauty of this wild, expansive part of the world.

We saw bears, whales, mountain goats, eagles, sea lions and more.

We feasted on our fresh caught fish, spot prawns, tanner {or snow} crabs and clams.

I’ll be posting more videos and images of these sightings on Instagram that you can see over there -> -> -> or please follow me at Splendid7 on IG.

I hope this helped to lower the temperature a couple of degrees for you.

Stay cool,

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