Here is the second Lime~a~cello recipe made from the limes from my Persian Lime Tree.
This makes a digestif that is similar to the traditional Lemoncello one finds in Italy. It is a thicker, smoother, sweeter tasting beverage than the first lime~a~cello recipe I published. This is adapted from a recipe from Giada de Laurenti The main difference is that I reduced the amount of sugar, and I still think the drink is plenty sweet.
10 limes, rinsed
1 (750-ml) bottle good quality vodka
3 1/2 cups water
2 cups sugar
Remove the peel from the limes with a sharp knife or microplane zester. Place the lime peels in a large jar with a tight seal. Pour the vodka over the peels and seal the lid. Allow the lime peels to rest in the vodka for 4-5 days at room temperature.
After 4-5 days you’re ready to add the simple syrup. Here’s how to make it: Stir the water and sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat until the sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes. Allow to cool completely then add the simple syrup over the vodka mixture. Reseal the lid and let the mixture sit at room temperature overnight. Strain the lime~a~cello through a mesh strainer. Discard the peels. Transfer the lime~a~cello to bottles. Seal the bottles and store them in the freezer.
Enjoy! To see the other recipe I used that creates a less sweet digestif with more lime zest flavor click on Lime~a~Cello I.
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