An Amaryllis display presents so much promise for the holidays. I love creating living arrangements like this in early December because I know they will naturally become more and more beautiful as the days go by.
These masterly bulbs are quite determined and will develop in to voluptuous beauties with very little care, but adding a few details will make the display even more alluring.
After lining this punch bowl with plastic and layering in some coir fiber I created a verdurous landscape to surround the stauteusque stalks. White hellebores provide dark leafy, glossy greens as well as the fresh white blooms.
Frosty ferns (selaginella) aka African Club Moss create a wonderful full frame around the flowering plants, A thick layer of fresh moss tucked in around the lip of the punch bowl conceals the soil and adds another layer of verdant lushness. If you can’t find fresh moss, soak dry moss in water for about an hour, then squeeze out extra water before adding it to the arrangement.
As the stem grows taller and the flower begins to open it will become very heavy so it will need to be supported. I like the added softness and texture of using stems of pussywillow branches for support.
You can attach it will colorful ribbons, twine or raffia or use a subtle green that blends in.
To maintain the arrangement, mist near the soil daily or add a few ice cubes around the base of the the plants every couple of days. If you want to slow the growth, put the arrangement in a cool dark place; warmth and light will force the flowers to develop more quickly.
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Beautifully done Emily! I love amaryllis and many fresh bulbs during the Holidays. Paperwhites are another favorite of mine!
The Arts by Karena
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