maternelle, toujours se renouvelle.
is always new.
“maman” est un mot magique.
“mother” is magic in any language.
d’amour inonde tes jolis yeux.
beautiful in the world, for so much love floods your pretty eyes.
and composer.
grand-mere exceptionnelle.
always makes an exceptional grandmother.
mais voilà c’est la mienne.
all Moms, but she’s mine.
French actress from the 1960’s.
be everywhere, so He created mothers.
a child is the work of his mother.
se trouve toujours le pardon.
a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find
Balzac, a 19th century French novelist and playwright.
travaille dur pour le justifier.
my mother was so great that I had to work hard to justify it.
Russian painter.
domine le monde.
rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.
Wallace, poet (original quote in English).
Karen Albert says
Dear Emily,
A wonderful post full of such poignant quotes.
Happy Mothers Day!
Art by Karena
24 Corners says
Love the quotes! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day…and I hope you find (or found) loads of tulips waiting for you at the Market…we live in such an amazing place, so lucky!
xo J~