Did I miss a day already? I’m just not sure. I’m still living in 2 time zones as I try to get everything in order. Taking care of all of the necessities such establishing bank accounts, back-to-school shopping, pharmacy stops is an adventure in itself being in a foreign country. One thing that I have found to be quite easy here are the roads. The circular turn arounds and the abundances of directional signage makes it quite easy to get around.
Every once in awhile, I have taken a wrong turn, but this area is so full of beauty and interesting culture, some of those wrong turns have resulted in the most wonderful experiences. On Sunday we slept in and then decided to have lunch and visit the “broquante” {antique and/or bric-a-brac market} in Villafranche. We made it to the town, but couldn’t find the market. Before we knew it we were on the road out of town, but the drive along the sea was so pretty, we just kept going.
Next, we came upon St. Jean Cap Ferrat. By this time we were quite hungry, so we decided to park the car and find some lunch. The Cadillac restaurant is situated over the bay on the main street. I had perfectly grilled snapper, and the little one went with the house specialty, pasta {she dared me to use this photo}.
Fortified and properly caffeinated we decided to stroll through town. My daughter loves the sea and scuba diving, so she was elated that we came across a dive shop with a great guide who told us about all of the top dives in the area.
Next door was the Musee Des Coquillages De Mediterranee, a museum dedicated to the shells found in the Med. After an informative film {they played it in English for us}, we toured their comprehensive collection of shells, all beautifully displayed.
This area is known for it’s serene bay and for the gadzillionaire homes situated upon the land mass that stretches out into the sea.
Paloma Beach is on my list of places I hope to return to,
and I absolutely must stop by another time to see what’s behind this beautiful blue door.
Many businesses in France are closed on Sunday and I was worried about finding food for stocking our little kitchenette. Thankfully there were quite a few business open in town, including a great little alimentari {gourmet food shop}, boulangerie and fruit stand.
Everything we needed for a Sunday night picnic supper.

Hi Emily..it all looks wonderful! Such a beautiful part of our world…ahh the famous La Cave! And the shell museum how neat! Enjoying following along with you on this exciting journey!
Dear Emily –
I'd love to "get lost" there, too! The shell museum is very cool….and what a great idea. Loving your time abroad 🙂
Tone on Tone
You are only increasing my desire to visit the South of France! Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week!
Great post and photos – this is a stunning region with wonderfully fresh produce. I'm a true francophile having lived in France for a year several years ago. You have a lovely blog and I'm delighted to be your newest follower. So pleased you left a comment on my blog as I have, as a result, now found yours!
Great blog!
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Let me soon on my blog!
Hope you enjoyed your picnic supper, Emily! I'm so glad we get to travel along and live vicariously through you. Can't wait to see what's around the corner on the next winding road!
Have a gorgeous week! XOXO
Your blog is so wonderful and Im following…I hope you follow me also:)
If you want some autumn inspiration..check out my new post:)
Have a great weekend dear
LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se