yes, flowers are our gift for all of the rain we receive, and one of the most cherished flowers in the PNW are the lilacs. Be they white or shades of, well, lilac, they are a delightful sight and scent for all who encounter them. One thing about lilacs, however, is that you must keep the bush under control, they tend to get leggy, so it’s best if you keep them at a level where you can enjoy the blooms.
In the past few years, it has started raining just as my lilacs have bloomed, turning the flowers brown all too quickly. So, I’m afraid I haven’t been very motivated to prune my overgrown bushes. But this spring, I saw quite a prize at the top of these twigs, and we had a series of warm sunny days, so, I broke out my favorite pruning saw and loppers and climbed up to take down the tallest branches and create a more rounded shape. For each branch one cuts, more young, green branches will sprout up and fill with flowers.
Oh, and what flowers they are…. fluffy, spiky and full of the most gorgeous scent ever… it’s complex and rich, and, yet, flighty and light, it’s unlike any other scent in the world.
But here’s the deal with Lilacs, before putting them in a vessel of fresh water you must pulverize, yes pulverize the stems. This allows water to travel up through the branches to keep the blooms fully hydrated. I use a cutting board and my kitchen hammer to break up 4 ~ 6 inches of the bottom of the branch.
Also, it’s best to change the water each day.
So, after years of unfulfilled Lilac lust, this year, I feel like the luckiest lopper in town, because my vases have runneth over with an outlandish load of blooms.
After placing them in the family room,
and the hallway,
the courtyard,
dining room,
and bedrooms;
I started feeling like the village woman who had just butchered a lamb and couldn’t let a morsel go to waste. So, brought a few buckets to neighbors,
and to a friend who was hosting a wedding.
And then there were those gorgeous trunks…. I just couldn’t let that beautiful bark go in vain. So, Mr. Splendid sawed them to just the right length for the fireplaces.
And I snipped plenty of twigs to get things going {in a year or so}.
I sure wish I could send each of you a wonderful whiff of Lilacs right now!

You have done a spectacuar job..they are sooo gorgeous in white! I dont' see them often in white, normally the pink variety but in white they are breathtaking in those blue and white vases!
PS The "village woman" metaphor cracked me up….hey you wanted to share the wealth:)
Emily, these are the most gorgeous white lilacs; with the blue and white vases, adore!!
Thought you would enjoy…Interview with Leslie of Segreto Finishes and her fabulous Book Giveaway!
Art by Karena
Emily, I think I can smell them from here. So beautiful – especially with your blue and white. Lilacs always remind me of my grandmother who had hedgerows of them bordering one side of her property. She always brought be a gorgeous bouquet for my birthday. When I smell them now, it's like she is with me.
Hope you are staying dry – that was some rain yesterday! XO
That is certainly a splendid harvest!! I do miss Lilac, they don't like the heat of the south. When I was growing up there were lilac bushes right outside my bedroom window….
I just posted photos of a fabulous garden tour, I think you would like. Drop by to see.
Beautiful! I know your house smells divine about now! I love them with the blue and white porcelains!
your post made me laugh!
if you could see the enormous lilac tree in my yard you would faint. i have been climbing, jumping, pruning, smashing for the last few weeks… if i had time i could have quit my job and delivered all over seattle… (maybe next year i will!)
it needs a really good prune this fall…
i love the double whites… yours are stunning..
lets get together soon!! xx
Thank you for sharing my lilac love, wish I could deliver a bouquet to each of you! Jeanie, isn't it amazing how a scent can trigger such powerful memories??
Karena, I am running over to your giveaway now!
Sandra, coming to your garden tour, I'm sure you have some beautiful displays down there now.
Nancy… thank you for coming by!!
Ah, lilacs! don't tell the Southeneers, but I would gladly trade my gardenias for them. Used to have a bunch when I lived in Ct. I would bring loads in the train to share with my co workers in NYC. You'd think I had brought them an ounce of gold!
I so miss the lilac bounty that comes in Seattle! You sure had a bumper crop this year! I bet your house smells divine!
gorgeous and thanks for the pulverizing tip!
Serena and Lindaraxa… wish I could ship you a box, but the rains have set in. It is the most distinctive fragrance, don't you think??
Nancy, the wafts of fragrance are divine. I especially enjoy the fragrance when there is an occasional breeze while I am sleeping. I really get obsessed about these blooms!!
Emily, you were right….your white lilacs are gorgeous!! I never knew that about pulverizing the stems before putting them in water so thank you for that tip. And thank you for sharing such loveliness from your garden. Cheers, Carrie