I dusted off my opera glasses this weekend to go see a most delightful production of Don Quixote by the Pacific Northwest Ballet. The highlights for me were the sets, the costumes and the leading man. What a treat to be transported back to Spain for an evening. Even if you don’t live in Seattle, please read on to hear more about this wonderful production and to learn about a special gift from the leading man for a few fortunate splendid readers.
The sets, costumes and props came from the Dutch National Ballet and they were just stunning. My favorite elements were the scenes of the beautiful Barcelona skies, in particular this firey orange sunset. I lifted these images from the PNB, I wish I could have found one of the deep midnight blue dresses the dancers wore, they looked stunning leaping and dancing against this beautiful scenery.
Here’s what PNB director Peter Bowles said about the arrival of the these marvelous pieces “After passing through the Panama Canal, it arrived last fall on eight shipping containers with a total of 280 costumes, towering sets, some fifty wigs (made in Bali), countless props, a few monster masks, a rubber chicken, and a really cute donkey. We had to devote an entire ballet studio to unpacking the costume crates. This is, without a doubt, the largest production Pacific Northwest Ballet has ever presented”.

As you may have read in the past, the combination of orange and blue is one of my favorites, though I don’t have a photo to offer you, I hope you can imagine these beautiful orange costumes against this dusky indigo evening sky scene.
I always enjoy the ballet and usually can’t take my eyes off of the dancers, I bring my opera glasses so I can study their costumes, expressions and, in this case, every flick of their fans. I must say, for this performance I found I was most captivated by the performance of one who was not wearing toe shoes. Tom Skerritt, a favorite local, played the role of Don Quixote poetically and seemed to have so much fun in the process. I have always enjoyed his performances on the big screen in more serious movie roles, such as M*A*S*H, A River Runs Through It and Top Gun, which made it even more fun to watch him play this endearing, bumbling character live.
For those of you who are in Seattle, I strongly urge you to get tickets soon, it runs through 2/12, I think you will enjoy it on so many different levels. Click HERE for ticket information. For readers all over the world I have an exciting giveaway offer… Viper Mr. Skerritt has offered to sign a few programs from the show for some lucky splendid readers.
We’ll do a random drawing to choose the winners. To be entered in the drawing, please leave a comment on your favorite ballet or your favorite performance by Tom Skerritt.
To be entered more that once:
post info about the drawing on facebook or twitter and leave me a comment to let me know.

Would love to see the performance. The ballet is something that you can become lost in, and we all need that at times.
Thank you for sharing.
Oh Emily, thanks for doing this post – I'm not sure how I am going to squeeze it in, but I'm going to have to go see this. It's been on my radar, but time is flying and I can't believe the 12th is this Sunday! Better get on my toes. Glad you got to see and enjoy! XO
Sounds like a marvelous evening – and you know how I feel about orange and blue!! Love Tom Skerritt!
Looks like a wonderful performance! I agree, PNB is a must-see if visiting Seattle. We are fortunate to have wonderful opera, museums, and ballet that is so easily accessible. Enjoy your day.
What a classic. I'm such a fan of Tom Skerritt's. I would love a program.