I’ve been on the hunt for a new basket for my bicycle lately. Our neighborhood is fairly flat, so I love to ride my bike for errands when possible.
Trolling around on~line, I found Cynthia’s Twigs. Cynthia lives in North Carolina and makes these marvelous, sturdy baskets of woven willow for carrying dogs, groceries, picnic, mail…. anything. I ordered the medium sized basket and found it to be perfect for taking these packages to my neighborhood mail spot.
These envelopes are filled with the Splendid Swag prizes from our recent giveaway. While you don’t have to have a blog to win at Splendid Market, I randomly drew the names of the authors of three great blogs.
Prizes have been mailed off to the following winners:
Jeanne from I dream of..
Stacey from Quintessence
Tina from Enchanted Home
After I received my basket I started thinking about accessories, so I had to take another visit to Cynthia’s site. In addition to great baskets for the the front and back of your bikes, she sells colorful fabric liners and pads for dogs. I also needed to get a bracket to support my basket {read the details about handlebar size if you shop for a basket}.
Now that my quest for the perfect bicycle basket is finished, all I have to consider is which liner to use!
Thank you Cynthia!

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