We’re busy decking the halls with wreaths I bought from a local garden club. To make all of those lush greens look ever more festive I added hand~made bows to fit with my decor and color theme and you can to, with ease!

There’s no need to settle for plain store bought bows … these bows take just minutes to make and allow you to create a look to suite your personal taste and style. To make these for your abode, scroll down, I’ll show you how.

To make them you’ll need the ribbon of your choice {I’m using this 2 1/2 inch wired ribbon my garden club goddess brought me, for a similar look click on black watch plaid}. I have 5 wreaths that I want to look somewhat similar, so I measured out 5 – 9~foot lengths of ribbon and cut them on the diagonal.

For each wreath I snipped about a 6 inch piece of green paddle wire with wire snippers and bent it in half {sort of like a large bobby pin}.

It is a series of pinches and twists that make the bow….
I allowed for about a 10″ tail for the bow, then gave the ribbon a pinch at that point

and then twisted it to hold it secure {yes! I got a manicure after this!!}

Then I created a loop {using about 8″ of ribbon} on one side of my hand, pinching and twisting the ribbon to secure the loop.

Then created another loop of a similar size on the other side of my hand, keeping a tight hold in between the two loops.

I continued making the loops on each side,

Holding the center area as I layered them. I created 5 loops total. You can make these loops in any size you like.

Next I slid the bent piece of paddle wire over the stacked “pinched” section.

and twisted it tightly to secure all of the loops in place.

Then adjusted and fluffed the ribbon to achieve the look I was seeking.

To add that special finishing touch to your wreath just find a sturdy stick {that is secured to the wreath} or a piece of secure wire on your wreath and twist the two ends of paddle wire tightly to secure them.

Tuck the ends of the wire out of sight then fluff up the ribbon to get the look you like.

Click on my instagram post over there -> ->-> to see the twist and pinch technique in action.

BTW, you can remove the ribbons at the end of the season and store them to reuse them next year. Here are the red silk wired fluffs that I made and have used in years past.

Happy Holidays!

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