Some of my favorite flavors of summer are at their peak right now, so I make a point to overindulge in them as much as possible. Ripe tomatoes, corn and basil are key ingredients in most everything I make these days, but I think my favorite summer indulgence is to combine them all together for a fresh and easy summer salad.
This salad is extremely versatile and goes well with most any summer meal, here it serves as a side dish with lobster, steamed asparagus and rose, simply elegant, colorful and delicious.
I Dream Of says
Thank you for the shout out Emily! I agree, one of the best things about blogging is the connections you make with people–both across the world and down the street! Our lovely night of dinner and tennis will be a fond memory from this summer.
Hope you enjoy a delicious weekend full of your favorite summer flavors. The salad looks yummy and I couldn't agree more that we have to enjoy it while it lasts!
Thanks again. XOXO
The enchanted home says
Emily…YUM!!!!!! That looks amazingly good and is such a wonderful reminder of all that is great about the summer!
Yes, agree Jeanne is a sweetheart and talk about talent! I love what she drew up….she is amazing!
designchic says
Isn't Jeanne just the best – one of my favorite blog friends, and I adore her paintings!! That salad is quintessintial Summer eating for me…just the perfect meal!
Karena says
Oh how great that you were able to get together with Jeanne!!
This salad is just what I like; as you an add, improvise with what you have on hand etc! Yum!
Have a great weekend Emily!
Art by Karena
2012 Artists Series says
I make this exact salad every summer when our tomatoes are at their peak… but I have never grilled or baked it. I will tomorrow, sounds fabulous!
Lovely card,very talented lady!
pve design says
Any friend of Jeanne's is a friend of mine!
Love my blogging connections and when we can share life's bounty of fresh goodness. Added bonus!
pretty pink tulips says
I spy some of my very favorite summer foods!!! And, a glass of rose, I believe! 🙂
Love knowing your connection to Jeanne!!! One of these days I hope to make it to Seattle and meet you all in person!
xoxo Elizabeth