Visiting markets in foreign lands provides great insight into the culture, customs and lifestyle of the area. Strolling the aisles and interacting with the people, I find I gain a much deeper understanding of the region and I almost always see something I’ve never seen before. For instance, I have never seen a tuk-tuk loaded with pineapples fresh from the field before.

But here one was, right at the entrance of the Pak Khlong Talat market in Bangkok one morning.

Just as fascinating was watching the two young men unloading the prickly fruits to deliver to a stall inside.

One giant basket at a time.

Here are some other sightings that captured my imagination:

Do you see the kitty behind the coconuts?

A lovely bunch of coconuts. Ready for a straw.

I’m guessing this tuk tuk loaded with rice, vegetables and herbs is going to a restaurant.

Here are chilled bags of Thai Iced Tea with coconut milk ready to go!

Scooters, bikes and wheeled baskets rush up and down the aisles, here’s a driver loaded up with flowers.

Trimmings from fresh produce are left out to be disposed.

A snack or offering of sugar cane, banana and other delights.

Just, what used to be at least, a typical morning in Bangkok.

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