My favorite all~around snack is being honored, as it should be. Yes, Saturday, January 19 is National Popcorn Day! I love popping a big bowl of corn using the most simple and pure ingredients to nosh on. It may take a couple of minutes more than preparing something packaged — but I think you’d agree that this finished product tastes far better than the alternative.

It’s hard for me to think of a snack more addicting than corn popped on the stove: warm, fluffy, crunchy, blossoms of corn, dribbled with a little butter and sprinkled with salt.
If you’d like to celebrate National Popcorn Day with me here is how you can pop up a perfect bowl of deliciousness to share {or not} this weekend:
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup popcorn
3 tablespoons butter
sea salt to taste
makes 15 cups of popped corn
Pour the olive oil into a large lidded saucepan and drop in 3 kernels of corn. Put the lid on and turn the heat up to medium-high.
Listen for the kernels to pop. As soon as they pop, pour all of the corn kernels into the pan and replace the lid.
Shake the pan regularly as the kernels start exploding like mad. When the popping rate slows down, turn off the heat and leave the pan on the burner. Allow the remaining kernels to pop (2-3 minutes).
Once the popping stops, pour the blossoms into the serving bowl(s).
Put the butter into the hot pan and allow it to melt (you probably won’t have to turn the heat back on).
When the butter is melted, scrape it into the bowl using a rubber spatula. Toss the blossoms and butter together in the bowl until the blossoms are evenly flavored with the butter.
Sprinkle on sea salt to taste.Toss, sit back, relax and enjoy!
For a printable version of this recipe, click on the Foodista button below:

I hate to admit it, but I had popcorn for dinner. I got home quite late from an evening in the city, was tired and just wanted an easy snack – and in that regard, popcorn is my go-to snack. But I like it sans butter – but plenty of salt YUM!
How perfect!
Mr. Splendid’s daD taught me how to make the cripiest and crunchiest popcorn. The Purdue way. Still make it that way today.
I have that somewhere — he typed it up to share, I remember he recommended using popcorn from Starbucks {yes, they used to sell popcorn and catnip from jars}. Is it a similar process??