Bouquets in the rough
Many are travelling this time of year, far away from favorite florists or flower stands. Hopefully, you’ll come across some splendid blooms at a local farmers market or one of those charming roadside stands where you drop your money “honor system” into a can before leaving with a colorful nosegay.
Into the base layer we added a layer of slightly taller Madrona branches, this adds a shiny green element to the bouquet and more stability for the taller branches.
If none of these options present themselves, worry not. Look around, with a snip here and there of things that catch your eye in your remote getaway a woodland bouquet can be yours!
In a bucket filled with water we started with some low branchy- branches with items of interest (green plums and pine cones). This layer serves as a natural flower “frog” and gives support to taller branches which will be added later.
With the sturdy base in place, the bouquet starts taking shape with a variety of colors and textures.
Tall bunches of lavender (we’ve cut bunches from the plant, not individual stems);
a twist of wild honeysuckle;
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